Are your cows “grass-finished”?

Please note that this is a mis-informed question! "Grass-finished" is a term that is relevant to beef cattle or cattle raised for meat production. Grass-finished means that the animal is fattened up by eating grass prior to slaughter, instead of getting fattened up by eating grain. We have dairy cows, and dairy cows are never "grass-finished". If you're wondering if our cows eat grass for milk production, then yes, they are grass-fed.

Still curious about our milk?

Is the milk free of hormones?

We don’t use hormones for milk production, and dairies don’t use growth hormone anymore anyways. (In ALL milk, there is some minute level of naturally-occuring growth hormone, but that has no effect on humans whatsoever.)

Is your milk tested?

Our cows are checked thoroughly at every milking, and also our milk is tested by a state inspector every several weeks.