Is the milk still good if there are bits of cream floating?

As long as the milk smells like fresh milk, it's good! The cream (fat) will solidify & break into pieces in cold temperature after a few days. If this does not look appealing, you can skim off the cream & use in hot coffee or soup!

Still curious about our milk?

Is the milk free of hormones?

We don’t use hormones for milk production, and dairies don’t use growth hormone anymore anyways. (In ALL milk, there is some minute level of naturally-occuring growth hormone, but that has no effect on humans whatsoever.)

Is your milk tested?

Our cows are checked thoroughly at every milking, and also our milk is tested by a state inspector every several weeks.

Is your milk OK for someone with A1 milk sensitivity?

We are incorporating A2 A2 genetics into our herd. We have never heard of A1 milk sensitive customers having an issue with our milk. Many of our regular customers are normally lactose-intolerant or dairy-sensitive, and they are able to consume our milk!